Who are the Azov Regiment? Despite the popular claims by the western media directly parroted from russian Propaganda, they are just an elite Unit of the National Guard of Ukraine, it’s that simple.

3 min readOct 6, 2022


“But what about their tattoos?” you ask … what about them? I understand that things like that serve to a confirmation bias very well, but despite that — those are just tattoos. Some have a meaning based on ancient Slavic Runes, lots are tied to the Straight Edge movement, some are just artwork.

“But what about their insignia?” You continue … Idea of Nations, or what you in the West like to proclaim as a Wolfsangel, is an ancient Slavic symbol, one of many that has been in wide circulation in Ukraine way before Hitler was born. He appropriated our symbols, not the other way around. Russian Propaganda just had a field trip spinning them into a convenient narrative…

“But they were originally formed as a Nazi/ Far Right/ white Supremacy Organization” you say. No, they were not, Russian Propaganda told you that, and western media ate it up and added on. Azov was formed as a reaction to the russian invasion of Ukraine, when our military was virtually non-existent and lots of cities were under threat. Volunteers, men from all states of Ukraine, came together to fight for the Eastern cities and proved to be incredibly successful at it, diverting enemy troops from Mariupol and Kherson for instance. Every group has a leader, turned out that the man who took upon himself to organize these guys into an effective group had far right leanings. In 2015 he was removed from his post, largely due to this information coming out. Now did he have far right leanings? Yes. Did he create Azov to act upon them? No. Azov was created for protection from the russian invasion and always consisted from people coming out of various religious and ethnic backgrounds. Today the Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian army is a Jewish man by name of Volodymyr Zelensky… how do you suppose a Nazi Group falls under the command of and takes direct orders from a Jew? A bit of an oxymoron, don’t you find?

Here is the thing, I’m a graphic designer, who has been talking about Ukraine providing geopolitical and historical context to this war since February 24th on various media outlets. In a way you can call me a reporter now. My channels are focused on politics of Ukraine, then and now. But I’m a graphic designer, right? So with the logic you apply to Azov my channels are not about Ukraine, they are about graphic design, simply because I’m a graphic designer who created them. Of course, it’s not as controversial as a far right leaning man leading a volunteer battalion (at that time), but the logic remains. His personal beliefs do not reflect on the beliefs of nearly thousands of men who have joined the already depoliticized full fledged regiment of the armed forces, nor do they dictate the purpose with which it was originally created …

More on that and other things Azov related in the video interview with a serviceman of the Regiment, I included below.





Born and raised Ukrainian, UX designer turned reporter and activist. Disrupting the special disinformation operation.